Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ultrawealthy New Yorkers Under de Blasio


The New York Times column, Common Sense, featured a piece on our new mayor, Bill de Blasio's plan to tax the rich to give to the poor, but brings up the ultrawealthy, who currently (under Bloomberg) have been lured to NYC by generous tax incentives and simply "park" their assets in the city.  Since the tax law says that those who spend more than half their year in NYC (or 183 days) have to pay city income tax, there are many who have offices (companies even) and apartments in the city, but due to their other homes (on Long Island, in Connecticut, in LA, in Aspen), can make sure not to be living in  the city more than 182 days.  This seems like a significant place of wealth that should be taxed to provide services for the rest of the city that supports that lifestyle.

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